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* Copyright (c) 1982, 1986 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
* provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given
* to the University of California at Berkeley. The name of the University
* may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
* software without specific prior written permission. This software
* is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
* @(#)ip_icmp.h 7.3 (Berkeley) 12/7/87
#ifndef _IP_ICMP
#define _IP_ICMP
* Interface Control Message Protocol Definitions.
* Per RFC 792, September 1981.
* Structure of an icmp header.
struct icmp {
u_char icmp_type; /* type of message, see below */
u_char icmp_code; /* type sub code */
u_short icmp_cksum; /* ones complement cksum of struct */
union {
u_char ih_pptr; /* ICMP_PARAMPROB */
struct in_addr ih_gwaddr; /* ICMP_REDIRECT */
struct ih_idseq {
n_short icd_id;
n_short icd_seq;
} ih_idseq;
int ih_void;
} icmp_hun;
#define icmp_pptr icmp_hun.ih_pptr
#define icmp_gwaddr icmp_hun.ih_gwaddr
#define icmp_id icmp_hun.ih_idseq.icd_id
#define icmp_seq icmp_hun.ih_idseq.icd_seq
#define icmp_void icmp_hun.ih_void
union {
struct id_ts {
n_time its_otime;
n_time its_rtime;
n_time its_ttime;
} id_ts;
struct id_ip {
struct ip idi_ip;
/* options and then 64 bits of data */
} id_ip;
u_long id_mask;
char id_data[1];
} icmp_dun;
#define icmp_otime icmp_dun.id_ts.its_otime
#define icmp_rtime icmp_dun.id_ts.its_rtime
#define icmp_ttime icmp_dun.id_ts.its_ttime
#define icmp_ip icmp_dun.id_ip.idi_ip
#define icmp_mask icmp_dun.id_mask
#define icmp_data icmp_dun.id_data
* Lower bounds on packet lengths for various types.
* For the error advice packets must first insure that the
* packet is large enought to contain the returned ip header.
* Only then can we do the check to see if 64 bits of packet
* data have been returned, since we need to check the returned
* ip header length.
#define ICMP_MINLEN 8 /* abs minimum */
#define ICMP_TSLEN (8 + 3 * sizeof (n_time)) /* timestamp */
#define ICMP_MASKLEN 12 /* address mask */
#define ICMP_ADVLENMIN (8 + sizeof (struct ip) + 8) /* min */
#define ICMP_ADVLEN(p) (8 + ((p)->icmp_ip.ip_hl << 2) + 8)
/* N.B.: must separately check that ip_hl >= 5 */
* Definition of type and code field values.
#define ICMP_ECHOREPLY 0 /* echo reply */
#define ICMP_UNREACH 3 /* dest unreachable, codes: */
#define ICMP_UNREACH_NET 0 /* bad net */
#define ICMP_UNREACH_HOST 1 /* bad host */
#define ICMP_UNREACH_PROTOCOL 2 /* bad protocol */
#define ICMP_UNREACH_PORT 3 /* bad port */
#define ICMP_UNREACH_NEEDFRAG 4 /* IP_DF caused drop */
#define ICMP_UNREACH_SRCFAIL 5 /* src route failed */
#define ICMP_SOURCEQUENCH 4 /* packet lost, slow down */
#define ICMP_REDIRECT 5 /* shorter route, codes: */
#define ICMP_REDIRECT_NET 0 /* for network */
#define ICMP_REDIRECT_HOST 1 /* for host */
#define ICMP_REDIRECT_TOSNET 2 /* for tos and net */
#define ICMP_REDIRECT_TOSHOST 3 /* for tos and host */
#define ICMP_ECHO 8 /* echo service */
#define ICMP_TIMXCEED 11 /* time exceeded, code: */
#define ICMP_TIMXCEED_INTRANS 0 /* ttl==0 in transit */
#define ICMP_TIMXCEED_REASS 1 /* ttl==0 in reass */
#define ICMP_PARAMPROB 12 /* ip header bad */
#define ICMP_TSTAMP 13 /* timestamp request */
#define ICMP_TSTAMPREPLY 14 /* timestamp reply */
#define ICMP_IREQ 15 /* information request */
#define ICMP_IREQREPLY 16 /* information reply */
#define ICMP_MASKREQ 17 /* address mask request */
#define ICMP_MASKREPLY 18 /* address mask reply */
#define ICMP_MAXTYPE 18
#define ICMP_INFOTYPE(type) \
((type) == ICMP_ECHOREPLY || (type) == ICMP_ECHO || \
(type) == ICMP_TSTAMP || (type) == ICMP_TSTAMPREPLY || \
(type) == ICMP_IREQ || (type) == ICMP_IREQREPLY || \
(type) == ICMP_MASKREQ || (type) == ICMP_MASKREPLY)
#endif /* _IP_ICMP */